Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The "Still-Haven't-Gone-into-Labor" Day Weekend

I'm still here and still pregnant. Show of hands, how many of you thought my absence meant that the day had finally arrived? Seriously, people, I will let you know when it happens! I'll do my best to post something really short, in fact, as soon as I feel my first contraction. I haven't had a single one at this point, not even of the Braxton Hicks variety.

Notes from the Tuesday's Dr. appt.: Now 2 cm dilated, forgot the effacement number. The biggest crazy is that he has still not engaged (or "dropped") and my official due date is Saturday! Doctor said she will induce on the 17th, which is Momma G's birthday and the two-year anniversary of the day Sweet D asked me to marry him. For those of you who don't know this, we had our first date on my Dad's birthday (Feb. 5th) and got engaged on my mom's. I shouldn't think he would keep us waiting for two more entire weeks, but stranger things have happened! These days I've been sitting and lying around on one of Baby Rut's Ultimate Crib sheets, in case my water should decide to suddenly break. Yes, we like our mattress and our couch that much!

This past weekend was a productive one! We accomplished everything on our list: bought two lamps, hung all the pictures, installed new fans for the nursery and master bathroom as well as the dimmer switch on the nursery light. Here are updated pictures of the nursery. Note the big mess on the changing table/dresser? That's no longer there as of Saturday night. I was hoping to get in my new dresser and mirror this week so the nursery would REALLY be complete, but it's looking like that's not going to happen. Oh, well-- at least all the essentials are in place and the room feels cozy. Big "thank yous" go out to Papa Rut for all his help with the fans and dimmer switch, as well as Momma Rut for the yummy hamburgers, homemade lemonade, and awesome spaghetti sauce. Also to Moozie and Daggles (mom and pop G) for the yummy dinner on Sunday night, ice packs for my puffy ankles, and late-night Sequence marathon. We are so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

Tonight we finally got up the nerve to watch the movie Hostel. Now, please understand that we like scary movies, especially the ones that feature zombies, but this one had us freaked out for several months. We couldn't bring ourselves to check it out at the video store, so we added to the bottom of our Netflix queue in the spring and promptly forgot about it until it showed up in the mailbox today. Eeeek! It really wasn't a big deal, though. Not very suspenseful or scary at all, really-- just a few gross scenes involving some pretty sick torture. I know we're weird.

I'll close with a couple of belly pics, taken on Saturday night. Feel free to avert your eyes.

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