Friday, August 31, 2007

Class of 2026

Well, it's official-- Baby Rut will be a member of the HS graduating class of 2026! He'll be a September baby and a Virgo, like my mom and older brother. He'll be one of the oldest students in his class and able to drive sooner than anyone else (Eeeek, too scary to think about right now). Birthday parties will be pretty easy, too, since school will have started and we won't have to contend with everyone's summer vacations. We can still plan "summery" parties with water pistols or slip n' slides and barbecue. Can you tell that I can't wait to meet this little guy?

Had fun with my mom and Aunt Julia yesterday. Aunt Julia came over to see the nursery and then the three of us lunched on dainty finger sandwiches and cups of soup at a local tea room. Aunt Julia had to leave after lunch, so mom drove me around and I finished up some errands-- made copies of keys for all the parents-in-law, picked up my newly-embroidered diaper bag, and collected the last two pictures from framers. We got back to the House of Rut and mom helped me fill the bookshelves and figure out where the pictures need to go. Photos to come as soon as said pictures are finally hung!

This Labor Day weekend, Sweet D and I plan to hibernate in the AC and pull together all the finishing touches for bringing home baby. Hard to believe that the 'days left' count is in the single digits! His due date is exactly one week from tomorrow although, at the rate I'm (not)going, I may very well go over a few days. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

JenyB said...

And he will be able to drink before all his friends unlike me who had to wait months and months and months standing outside the bar waiting for midnight to toll on the eve of my 21st birthday.