Sunday, September 09, 2007

Pigskins, Patton, pancakes, presidential candidates, and, oh yeah-- STILL pregnant!

All I have to say about the last thing on the list is that my uterus must be one crazy happenin' place, as I have now officially missed my due date by almost 48 hours. Seriously, I think this kid's gonna come out with all his teeth, a full head of hair, and a college degree.

This is Sweet D's most favorite time of year-- football season. I think he watched 8 straight hours of college football yesterday. What kills me is that he doesn't even have to care about EITHER team to watch an entire game! I mean, I can't even tell you how many times he has shared his feelings about the career of the Michigan coach after Michigan's performance against App State (we called it UNC-Tweetsie when I was in college because of its proximity to the Tweetsie Railroad in Boone) last weekend and Oregon yesterday-- his job's in the toilet, he won't last the week/month/season, how disgraceful, etc. etc. I finally drew the line when the Aggie v. Fresno State game FINALLY ended after 3 OTs. He could check scores, but only on mute. There's only so much football this pregnant lady can take, after all. We eventually settled in and watched the movie Patton, which D had added to the Netflix queue without my knowledge. It was pretty good, though, and it reminded me of my grandfather, who actually served in Patton's 3rd army during WWII. If you have never seen that movie, I highly recommend you catch at least the famous first few minutes, where Patton is giving a motivational speech to his troops against the backdrop of a huge US flag. They always show clips of that speech during the Oscars, even though George C. Scott refused the Academy Award for his role as Patton. According to IMDb, he was at home watching a hockey game on TV when they announced him as the winner for Best Actor! Now I must ask you, how very empty were our lives before the internet and wonderful websites like IMDb gave us trivial information like George C. Scott's television viewing habits?

It was an early morning for me because someone had forgotten to turn off the 6:15 alarm. I read the paper while allowing D to catch a few more winks until I got a huge jones for a banana pancake at 8:30. He would only get up if I agreed to wear a Texans shirt and think only positive thoughts for their first regular season game with their new QB. Easy enough for me. We decided to give the Buffalo Grill a try, since I had eaten there once with Jeny B and remembered they have killer banana pancakes. No sooner had we placed our orders than we started to notice people around the restaurant wearing big "Rudy" stickers and t-shirts. Turns out Mr. Rudy Giuliani was on his way to the Buffalo Grill to have breakfast and do a little schmoozy-woozy before heading to the Texans game! Natch, the table we managed to find was right beside the door, so it was a pretty hot and crowded dining experience. Sweet D said that my scrambled eggs and grits are way better (aw!), but those pancakes were legendary. We stayed long enough to see Rudy walk in, even though he was so surrounded by press and other hangers-on that we couldn't even snag a picture on either of our camera phones. Oh well, that wasn't what we came for, anyway, so it was only right that we make room for some Rudy fanatics. We headed over to Central Market and picked up a few groceries for tonight's fajita dinner and made it home with time to spare before the Texans game started. Oh, I forgot to mention how fun it was to see the looks on people's faces at Buffalo Grill when I was asked (more than once) what my due date was. "Yeah, that would be yesterday. I'm 40 weeks right now." Ha!

I've been doing a bit of reading this week about how to take care of the baby critter when he arrives, again thanks to Jeny B and her extensive library of baby tomes. The Panic Free Pregnancy helped put my mind at ease about things like coffee and heartburn, and I'm currently about one-third of the way through The Baby Whisperer, which is written by a British woman so she says things like, "Relax, luv, and go get yourself a cuppa tea." Very comforting and informative.

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of Otis T. Dog, snuggle puppy extraordinaire.

1 comment:

southerninspiration said...

Hmmm, I'm wondering why there's no update...could you possibly be having a baby???? ;)