Saturday, August 25, 2007

Inspiring Minds

Today has been a good day! Sweet D and I did some relaxing with Otis T. Dog, who has been an extremely cuddly little stinker these past few months. We think it's because he knows deep down there's gonna be some serious competition in the 'cuteness department' very soon. Speaking of Baby Rut, he seems to be a big fan of the right side of his womb casa. It's so funny to look down at my stomach and see everything moved to one side! Will try to capture said phenomena on camera next time, if possible. Part of me wonders if he's going to be a staunch Republican, seeing as he seems to prefer the right side so much. Personally, I'd prefer him somewhere closer to the middle, both politically and physically. :)

Not only am I blogging for the second time, I also got my cook on twice today! You heard about the french toast already, so here's "the rest of the story": Yesterday I was browsing through the latest issue of Southern Living and found several yummy recipes that didn't exceed my 10-ingredient maximum (Yes, I do consider myself somewhat of a foodie, but I'm almost 9+ months pregnant, people, so cut me a little slack!) Of course, I couldn't be bothered to cook anything last night, so I just filed the magazine on the coffee table to act as a reminder. Cut to this afternoon, Rut living room: Sweet D was watching some ridiculously pointless countdown show on VH1 or E!, which he is wont to do on lazy Saturdays like this one. In an attempt to keep snatching the remote from his paws and smacking him with it, I picked up the magazine again to narrow my scope a bit, because many foods are less tempting after a second look. After you narrow the scope, then you have to consider the "grocery store factor" as in, "Is this recipe something I can make with ingredients on hand, or is it going to require a bothersome trip to the grocery store?" As if there wasn't a great grocery store less than 2 minutes from our house, but that's completely beside the point. Stay focused, people. I'm browsing through the recipe section again and happen again upon the "Grits" feature. I look at the tantalizing picture, featuring "Creamy Grits Casserole." Okay, commence evaluation: Visuals? Very appealing, even on second look. Ingredients? Only 9, made it with room to spare. Grocery Store factor? Nil! I have everything I need in the 'Third World Country' Pantry and fridge! Last but not least, the husband test: "Sweet D, how would you like to try this Grits Casserole for dinner?" Thumbs up. Not sure he was listening, but at least I know that "grits with cheese" are on the extremely short list of foods he considers worthy of consumption. Seriously, one day I will post a list of the man's "No Way" foods, including some of his more ridiculous exceptions and 'if, thens' and I will be immediately be annointed a Culinary Martyr. Just kidding, sort of...

So we had Creamy Grits Casserole for dinner. It was really yummy and easy and we have plenty left over for breakfasting over the next couple of days. No picture this time, but I would never leave you hanging for the recipe!

Creamy Grits Casserole
1 1/4 cups uncooked regular grits (I used polenta)
2 cups chicken broth
2 cups milk
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 cup butter, cut into cubes (I used a little less)
10 oz. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
4 oz. shredded smoked Gouda (I subbed three Deli-style slices of Pepper Jack)
2 large eggs, lightly beaten

Bring first five ingredients to a boil over medium-high heat in a medium saucepan, then reduce heat to low and simmer 4 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Stir in butter and cheeses until melted, then stir about one-fourth of the grits & cheese goodness into the beaten eggs to temper. Add this mixture to remaining hot grits, stir well to combine. Pour all this into a lightly greased 2 1/2 qt. Pyrex casserole dish and bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown around edges. Let stand 5 minutes before you dig in, IF you can wait that long (I couldn't and I have a burn on the roof of my mouth to prove it. Totally worth it, though.) This would be great with some diced tomatoes on top and maybe some sausage links on the side. Mmmm.

You may have noticed that I have now posted 4 blogs in one week! I can't take credit, I owe much of my inspiration to some other bloggers I have discovered over the last few weeks. I have been truly amazed, impressed, and inspired by the writing, photography, and cooking skills of several women out there in the Blogosphere. Some of my favorites include Parker of Divine Domesticity (who is almost right there with me on the pregnancy countdown), Ree of Confessions of a Pioneer Woman (awesome pictures of life on a cattle ranch, totally hilarious accounts (seriously, you might piddle in your pants) of small town and family dynamics, and some super yummy-looking recipes for stick-to-your-ribs country grub on her food blog, The Pioneer Woman Cooks) and Madeline of Everything Rachael Ray (who introduced me to, possibly the most addictive website I've ever visited, and is designing a new-and-improved look for Life in the Rut.) I don't know any of these ladies from Eve, yet I have found myself drawn to catching up on their lives every day since discovering their sites. Cheers, girls, and keep on postin'!

That's all for today, I need to get my feet up before they start swelling! They have been fine since I got the bed rest order from the Doc, by the way. I think it 'twas the heat that made them puff up like a blowfish, so I have been hibernating in the A/C all week. Seriously, I have not stepped foot outside the house except to pick up the newspaper this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hah! My feet are so crazy swollen too. I stay in the A/C as much as humanly possible too! Today was a big day out for a doctors visit (I am down to the weekly visits now, woot!) and a trip to a big city to hit up some stores since I live in a small town and we have nothing here. :) So yes, now my feet are crazy swollen from the 100 degree heat. I can't wait for the swelling to go down after the baby comes. ;)