Thursday, August 23, 2007

Delicious Dinners from Dora

I'm going on 38 weeks now and el bambino hasn't even "dropped", yet! As of Tuesday's doctor appointment, in fact, I have been ordered to remain horizontal as much as possible, preferably with my feet elevated. See, I spent almost all day on Saturday on the computer and my feet/ankles paid a hefty price for it! I got a lot done, though-- found some really cute letters to spell out baby's name above his crib. I had first seen these letters in a baby boutique and loved them but didn't relish the idea of paying $25 per letter! Eeek! A little bird gave me the idea to look on ebay and wouldn't you know I found the exact same letters for $10 each AND free shipping? My other sweet finds were a french memo board in the green toile fabric featured on the bedding AND coolest of cools, a great resource for birth announcements! They are a great price and the owner customized a design using pictures of my nursery fabrics!

(Sigh) I just love ebay.

Of course, by the time I'd done all that bargain-hunting and emailing and designing my feet, ankles, and calves had all completely merged into a solid mass to the point where I had to struggle a bit to get my sandals off. Of course, it didn't help matters when I spent all of Monday running errands around Sucrose Land in the heat. I got a haircut and did some returning and shopping at about 6 different venues. So, of course my blood pressure was a bit elevated and I still had some residual swelling when my appointment rolled around. She didn't have to tell me twice to take it easy, though! Yesterday I spent almost entirely on my side in bed, reading my book.

As if I'm not already a huge diva, dig this bit of news: my wonderful, sweet mother-in-law has done all the cooking for me this week, sending Sweet D home with delicious "Dinners from Dora" both Tuesday night and this evening. Tuesday was ribs, potato salad, green bean casserole, cabbage, and bread. Tonight we had an absolute feast of a green salad, a huge chicken and rice casserole, roasted asparagus, pineapple and pecan "fluff," and more bread.

So, turns out it's a really good thing I'm not starting school on Monday. It did hit me a little more this week when I was running errands less than a mile from my old school. A large part of me really wanted to stop by and say hello. The part that was hot and tired and wanted to get finished as soon as humanly possible so we could have a nap won out, in the end. So let me just send a shout out to my teacher friends starting school in just a little over 72 hours-- have an awesome first day and a great school year, ladies!

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