Sunday, June 24, 2007

Abandon Ship!

Shiver me timbers! This final contribution to the Pirates of the Caribbean legacy has got to be one of the longest, most painful experiences of movie-going I've encountered thus far this year. After 3 hours of bad acting, confusing plotlines, and very unDisney-like grossness, I was beginning to think that I'd rather be banished to Davy Jones' locker than sit through another minute! I think the most ridiculous moment (and there were plenty to choose from, so this is saying a lot) was the wedding that took place in the middle of the climactic fight scene. The good news? We were smart enough to take advantage of the matinee price-- an almost unheard of $5.50 per adult ticket. I can tell you that I would be curled up in a fetal position right now, had I paid full price for that drivel. For those of you who think I'm insane, please be aware that I am not alone in my opinion. In fact, I think Lou Lumenick of the New York Post says it best (Ahoy vey!) in his review, which I found on the website.

In other news, we have been busy getting ready for baby! For those of you who don't know, we are expecting our bouncing bundle some time in late summer (end of Aug. or beginning of Sept.) Yes, I realize haven't exactly been keeping up with the blog, but too much time has lapsed for me to go back through every single exciting thing since my last in December, goodness knows there have been many! The tech who did the ultrasound said it's a boy, so now you can consider yourself good and caught up! A painter is coming tomorrow morning to start on the nursery, which is currently a hideous shade of lavender that won't be missed once it's covered with the soft green color we've selected. Quick shout out to Mommy G for helping me clean the room out-- it had been classified as our "junk/catch-all" room since we first moved in (D: "Where does this go?" C:"I dunno, just put it in the lavender room and we'll deal with it later.") I'll be sure to post before and after pics to illustrate my point! We're also changing the look of our half bath, still haven't finalized the color. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate having to pick paint colors?

We spent Saturday in the land of Sucrose running errands with Daddy G, capped off by a lovely afternoon nap on the twin couches as it poured down rain outside. Today was church and leftovers for lunch before we 'walked the plank' at the movie theater.

Brief update of the last several months:

  • Hosted first family party at Casa de Rut in Feb., at which we announced we were having a baby. Great times, good food, and four different kinds of cake-- my kind of party!
  • Sweet D and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Easter Sunday-- so far, so good!
  • Sweet D worked very hard on a contract for the City of H-town during the month of March. We thought it was lost to the competition, but he hung in there and ended up landing the biggest job in the history of his company! Yay, Sweet D!
  • Last day of school for C was Thursday, May 24th. I went out in good company with a number of other people in search of new 'chapters.'
  • We enjoyed a very restful vacation in the Bahamas from May 25-30. I came back with a tan and D came back without a sunburn! The only negatives were the trips to and from: long layover on the way there and storm-related delays and turbulence on the way back.

I have read about 15 books so far since school ended, very much enjoying the fact that I no longer have to commute an hour per day. It took me two whole weeks to use a tank of gas because I've hardly left the house, can't remember the last time I could say that!

Needless to say, the Diva has returned!

1 comment:

JenyB said...

Good to see you back in the blogosphere.