Monday, October 08, 2007

On My Own...

Baby Rut appears to be very happy about the Texans' victory over the Miami Dolphins, even if they did only manage to squeak by with a 57-yard field goal in the last couple of seconds!

Man, how time flies when you're taking care of an infant! Mommy and Baby Rut have just started our second week of having Grandmas to visit only every other day, and I have to say we're doing pretty well! I get at least 2-3 good stretches of sleep every night/day now, even if they are at weird times. Last night, for instance, he didn't officially conk out until after a 1 am feeding. He woke up around 5:30 am, slept through his 7 am feeding, woke up at 10 am on-the-dot, then went back to sleep after that feeding until 1 pm. I followed everyone's good advice and slept when he did. Today I also channeled my inner kangaroo and figured out how to wear the Baby Bjorn. God bless those brilliant Swedes, Baby Rut LOVED being in that thing! He was in it for a good 2+ hours, during which time I was able to use BOTH hands and get things accomplished! And, praise the good Lord in Heaven, I even managed to eat THREE full meals today! I'm talking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, people! I dropped a piece of macaroni n' cheese on his head as I was eating, but he didn't seem to mind too much, since he was in Baby Bjorn sleepy town.

This past weekend was great. Actually, the greatness started on Thursday. Granny Rut got here around 8:45 am and helped me clean out the coat closet a little bit by taking home several of the gifts bags that had been accumulating from all the showers I'd been to over the past few months! Then I took a lovely nap in the guest bedroom. Woke up around 1 pm, just in time to take a shower before Granny treated me to a LOVELY mani/pedi at the local nail spa. That was an hour and a half of sheer bliss, my friends, and I can't tell you how badly my heels needed that paraffin wax treatment. My fingernails were also longer than they've ever been in my entire life, I was afraid of stabbing the baby with one of those daggers! Granny then made us another yummy dinner and Sweet Daddy D got home plenty early so I could make it to my book club meeting at Dry Creek in the Heights. It was so much fun to have some Mommy time and girl-talk, I also got some great "witching hour" tips from everyone. Baby Rut had had a few rough nights in a row at that point, which was causing Sweet D a bit of stress. Thankfully, though, Baby Rut had been a little angel that evening while Mommy was out.

Friday morning I got a great stretch of sleep from 7-10 while Baby Rut was in the Swing of Happiness and woke up feeling very refreshed! I got a phone call from my favorite baby boutique and decided I was ready to have my first solo outing with baby. Or, at least I thought I was-- three hours later, I had just barely managed to get myself and Baby Rut ready, but we somehow made it out the door! Shaving my legs during my shower was almost an exercise in complete futility, but I just couldn't go another day without doing so. I just gritted my teeth against the sound of him crying in his crib and soldiered on with razor in hand! When we finally left, I had makeup on my face, my hair was blown-dry, we were both adequately clothed, and Baby Rut was fed. I, on the other hand, had yet to have food touch my lips at that point. Still, I'm proud to say the outing was a complete success! We did a little shopping, made a Starbucks run, and made it home with time to spare before Baby Rut's 4 pm feeding. Yay, Mommy!

I made it out to the 'dena by the appointed time that afternoon, as well, with all the trappings assembled for spending the night. Sweet D and I had planned to attend the 41st annual Greek Fest with our friends, Adam and Angela B. Those plans fell through, however, because their sister-in-law and my friend, Jessica B, gave birth to daughter Lyndsey Kate that afternoon! We were bummed about missing the Greek Fest but very excited about the new arrival. Since we already had our babysitters lined up and we weren't about to deprive them of the privilege of spending a Friday night with Baby Rut, we decided to take advantage and have a little Mommy & Daddy date. We 'got our Greek on' at Yia Yia Mary's, where Mommy had her first wine in over 10 months! Then we went to Ruggles Bakery for dessert and coffee. We were back at Granny and Poppa Rut's by 10 pm, completely exhausted. Granny Rut, being the saint on earth that she always is, insisted we go to bed and let her take the night shift. Mommy and Daddy, being the extremely tired new parents that WE are, gladly accepted and got the first full night's sleep in the same bed together since Baby Rut was born. We woke up at 7:30 Saturday morning feeling wonderful and proceeded to spend the rest of the day at Granny and Poppa Rut's house feasting on yummy food, enjoying decadent naps, and taking turns holding and entertaining the baby. A truly excellent day.

We had another first when Sweet D and I were both awake all day and enjoyed a "business as usual, plus baby" Sunday together. We read the paper, drank coffee, ate coffee cake, watched football and generally lazed around. Sort of lazed, anyway-- I actually kept very busy doing laundry, washing dishes and bottles, making formula, cooking dinner, etc. etc. I did get some rest, though!

Taking care of a house and newborn and all the things that go with them is definitely a full-time job, we've both agreed, and it's one that doesn't end at 5:00 on Friday afternoon. Sweet D has been a huge help in helping preserve my sanity and tank up on rest when I'm badly in need. I was really worried about being hit with a bout of post-partum depression, but I think I can say I'm safely past that stage. All in all, we're feeling pretty good and like we're finding our way as parents.

On that note, allow me to close with more pictures!
1. "I'm not so sure, does this look okay with my outfit? Be honest, now..."
2. "Gee, Mommy, could you please invade my personal space a little more?"
3. Baby Rut gets a bath. I'm hoping that white square will save me a lot on future therapy bills...
4. Woe is Otis, he doesn't get as much as attention since Baby Rut moved in. He's doing great, though, and is rather protective of the newest family member.
5. "What do I want for dinner? Hmmmmm, so many options... will it be formula in a green bottle? Or maybe formula in a blue bottle? I did enjoy the formula from the red bottle that one time... Ugh! These decisions!"
6. My three boys, doing what they do best.


JenyB said...

You should do a pink star like Trent on Pink is the New Blog with a "NSFW" label on it instead of the white square. HA! Love the updates.

JenyB said...

You should do a pink star like Trent on Pink is the New Blog with a "NSFW" label on it instead of the white square. HA! Love the updates.

Anonymous said...

what a sweetheart. I especially love picture #2 :)