Monday, November 20, 2006

Sweet D to the rescue!

Okay, I know all my post titles are punctuated with exclamation points. What can I say? I'm easily excitable!

I forgot to mention in my update that I got a flat tire on Friday night when D and I were on our way to our favorite Greek restaurant, Niko Niko's, for some medicinal souvlaki and pita bread. I ran over a screwdriver that was lying in the road and it made the most awful noise! Of course, D was totally calm and collected and had that puppy changed in no time flat (couldn't help myself, please forgive me) and we made it there before the line was out the door. Have I mentioned lately how much I love my Sweet D and how lucky I feel to be married to such a handy man? Consider this my official proclamation! He even got up Saturday morning and took it to Discount Tire, where they informed him that the screwdriver was imbedded in a way that they'd never seen before and the tire would have to be replaced. Wheeee! I'm a record-breaker, too!

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